Industry News

Masking Tapes Manufacturers

Concealment replacement

Stopping paint and masking compounds are alternative sources of over-watering during the fine processing process. Please follow the instructions for choosing a cover compound and stop paying for more information.

Fine paper standard

size of kimono

In response, there are two important aspects of demand consideration, immediate visibility and thickness.

The volume is a fixed scale. A small degree of openness has been added to the number of guests allowed.

The thickness is the distance between the two flat surfaces (the body and the adhesive).

The shielding film is produced in rolls or large pieces, after which the size can be adjusted by the consumer.

porcelain properties

The strength of the extension is the maximum damage that can be accepted. The strength of the package is several hundred pounds, so it is very important to seal the items to be held.

The strength of peeling is the size of the force required for each sticky surface.

The heat resistance is not affected by the heat resistance. The packaging is usually defective and has strong temperature performance, and the packaging thin film has a molecular structure, which can be used in heating and cooling.

Abrasion resistance is highly abrasion resistant and solid level.

Transparent products can be translucent, can be purchased directly, such as 10 Braille fonts are easy to read, so the purchase price is transparent.

Tens of thousands of grades of adhesives can be used as adhesives before and after shielding coatings are applied for superficial time considerations.

Weather resistant products suitable for outdoor use, resistant to ultraviolet (UV) light, cold, high temperature, water or other weather conditions.

It is very useful in the application of ESD control function in the electric circuit, and has the characteristics of electric conduction, low friction and electric discharge.

porcelain standard

Regarding general shielding function, ASTM D6123/D6123M - 97 Study is based on shielding function, typical minimum quality standard. trade association. When the phone call came in, the government's quality assurance, outlined on the Chinese standard HH-T-0025. Other porcelains have not received the same quality considerations.

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